Camp nanowrimo


It's here - it's time to write the sixth Hidden World Novel.

The target - 30,000 words

The ideal goal - 50,000 words

The time limit - 30 days

Wish me luck!

Check out my Camper's profile for a sneak peek at the opening of the new novel

Writer's Block unblocker


I took part in Camp NaNo's Instagram Challenge this month and one of the prompts was 'Writer's Block Unblocker' - well, as I have put in my post for it, I don't very often suffer from writer's block as I try not to put too much pressure on myself when I am writing. I also have more than one project on the go at any one time, so if there is ever a day when I am struggling with one, I just switch it up and try a different one. The projects are often at different stages in the process, so I can move from writing to editing when need be, and then back again when I have the motivation.

The few times that I have had issues writing at all are the times when I head out on an adventure. This one was perfectly timed for the #instawrimo prompt, although not needed to unblock anything - it was just a family day out in the sunshine!

Check out my Instagram page to see the other pictures I uploaded as part of the #instawrimo challenge :)

The Cursed Novels
Book one


It happened... I finished it... I edited and formatted and approved the e-proof... There's a real copy of book one coming in the post for me to check... I am so freaking excited it's unreal!!

I cannot wait to share this with you. I have plans for a blog tour, a cover reveal and a launch event... So many ideas... So little time... And another book to write.

Oh, what I'd give to do this full time!!

The Cursed Novels have a spot on the Bookshelf already - keep an eye out for more information coming very soon!!

February planning


What better way to plan the month than in the coffee shop, with hot chocolate and live music?? Working out what I want to achieve for each project; the Hidden World and the Cursed Novels. Last month the fifth Hidden World was my focus so this month it is the Cursed Novel - it's time to get the last of the edits in and format it ready to turn it into a book!! Exciting times!!

Keep up to date with my comings and goings by visiting me on the social media platform of your choice - check out my contact page for links to them all!!

Hidden World NOvel number five


The Original Sin is now with the editor - that's book number five well under way.

Everything is looking good for an early spring release - watch this space for more updates on release day!!

The Hidden World Novels are listed on the Bookshelf and can be read in any order. No need to start from the beginning, just choose the one that you feel most interested in and delve into their world and see where you fit in!!

** Happy New Year **


First post of the new year and I am using it to tell make sure that you know about my new series coming later this year!!

The first of THE CURSED NOVELS will be coming your way this summer and I couldn't be more excited! This book is my baby and I can't wait to share it with you all!

The Cursed Novels have a space on the Bookshelf - have a look and keep checking back for more updates the closer we get to release day!

Merry Christmas!


Merry Christmas Readers!

Thank you for your support this year, I wouldn't be where I am now without you.

I'd also like to put an even bigger thanks out there to the small team of Beta readers that I have, as I really really wouldn't be here without you guys - you're a part of the reason my books are out there and I will be forever grateful for that!

Enjoy the festive season and I'll see you next year!

Merry Christmas love Angel x

Nanowrimo winner!


I am an official NaNoWriMo Winner!

Word count finished today with 52,072 words. I am a little disappointed in myself for not managing to accomplish my own goal of 75k, but I would normally have made sure that writing was my only priority this month, and that wasn't possible this year. So I am happy that I reached the 50k target, and will keep writing in order to get the new novel with you early next year! Check out my badge!

The Original Sin will be the fifth book in The Hidden World Novels.

Halfway there...


I'm on target - just over 25,000 words for 15 days in.

I'd like that number to be higher as I had big goals of 75k, but I'll be happy enough to succeed in the 50k we're set by NaNoWriMo.

Keep watching this space for my final word count at the end of the month!

25,598 words at the end of day 15.

(598 words above the average target)

Nanowrimo 2018


National Novel Writing Month is upon us - it's time for those all important 50,000 words in 30 days! Sounds mad, I hear you cry - well, you're right!

But I'm going to do it anyway...

This will be my third year writing for NaNoWriMo and I will once again be writing my next Hidden World Novel... This year I will be attempting a little over the average of 50,000 words, as I do actually already have part of the story written, however it needs an overhaul so I plan to reach 75,000 words.

The Original Sin will be the fifth story in The Hidden World Novels and is about a sassy vampire named Nel. That's all the information you are getting unless you have access to The Zone as a subscribed member, then you can check out the original material, and a photo of Nel to see what you think! As always, all feedback is welcome - contact me though the page of any of my social media sites.

Not signed up? Well, follow this link and subscribe now for instant access!!

Check out NaNWriMo and get involved too!

NaNo Season has started!!


The NaNo team have started their build up ready for National Novel Writing Month in November - I decided to get involved over on Instagram with their #instawrimo - the tags are great, and it's been great to see other writers' stories and journeys too!

Check out my Instagram feed and see my photos to support these tags!

Check out NaNoWriMo and get involved too!

The Cursed Novels


The Cursed Novels are my new baby - I have just listed their page on the Bookshelf.

It's just a teaser for now, just to make sure you know that they're coming.

The first of the five novels will be released Summer 2019, and I cannot wait to start sharing more with you - this has been on the cards for longer than I care to admit, but I am finally ready to share my Fallen Angels with the world.

I hope you will love them as much as I do!

Keep your eyes peeled for more info - but for now,

head on over to the Bookshelf to see the full post!

Camp Nano Goal : Achieved


I did it - I achieved my 30,000 word goal today!

My plan was 30,000 words in 31 days - I still have 3 to spare.

That's 30,000 words of the next Hidden World Novel written, now for some heavy editing and as Dory would say, 'Just Keep Writing'

P.S - I didn't actually write the story I set out to as I hit a road block in the plot, but it now means that I have three on the go, so fingers crossed for a pre-Christmas release :)

It's my birthday!!!


Today is my birthday, and my wish, whilst blowing out my imaginary candles (because no one bought me a cake this year - a sign of getting older) I made my wish for an Amazon best-selling book! Only you guys can make it come true!! Buying my books is quick, easy and painless - the Kindle copies are only £2.49 each - that's less than a pint in the pub - go on, make this writer's wishes come true!!

July Camp Nano


July is upon us which means that it is time for Camp NaNo again!!! After the publication of Inner Magick last month, it is time to start writing the next Hidden World Novel - I wouldn't want to keep you waiting too long now would I? Hoping for a publication either late in the year or very early next year! This one already has a title and a loose plot line, so let's see how far I can get in 31 days - my goal is 30,000 words which is just under a thousand a day.

Totally doable - oh, and I also have a birthday to fit in and eleven days in Buxton for work to work the festival - so wish me luck!!

You can check out my Camp Profile and my project over at Camp Head Quarters and see what the project is all about, there is even a snippet from the start of the story there for you to have a nosy at!!

Inner Magick publication day


Summer Solstice - the first day of summer!!

The witches will be using the energy that this day creates, why not come join them?!

Inner Magick; the fourth Hidden World Novel is now officially available on Amazon in both paperback and Kindle edition - grab yours today and get reading!!

Get your paperback...

Get your Kindle edition...

And don't forget to leave a review after you've read Eloise's story - it doesn't have to be anything flash - just a rating and a few words does wonders for the visibility of the book!!

Leave your reviews on Amazon and/or Goodreads :)

Part of the Pack blog spot


Part of the pack featured on a fellow writer's blog this week - did you catch any of it??

is a book and food blog written by Michael Chrobak about his lifestyle of reading, writing, and healthy eating... this week, the writing side of the blog featured me and The Hidden World Novels. Check out the links below for the articles and make sure you read the book review for Part of the Pack - an awesome 4.35 out of 5!!

Check out my Author Interview here.

Have a look at my Guest Blog post about where I get my ideas from.

See the books in The Hidden World Novels being celebrated.

And of course - check out the book review!!

I hope you enjoyed my blog debut - I am planning on more of these with the coming books - what did you think?! Why not leave some comments on the posts - it will be great to see your opinions and I know that Michael would appreciate it too!!

Inner Magick Cover Reveal


The fourth title in The Hidden World Novels; Inner Magick is due for release on the 21st June. What do you think to the cover??

This is the first official title to be released under the Crooked Halo Books publishing imprint and I am excited for you to hear Eloise's story! Check out the blurb and sneak a peak at the first chapter by clicking the image below and why not pre-order your copy by following the links on the bookshelf page?!

A family bloodline as old as Salem, but a fresh new legacy that will last a lifetime.

Crooked Halo Books


My new publishing imprint, Crooked Halo Books launched today - each of my current books has been spruced up a little, their covers altered and the imprint's logo added tot heir spines. Check out the new books on Amazon, and soon you will be able to find them on too - but for now, why not check out the new website by clicking the image below and have a nosey around?!

You can also find Crooked Halo Books on Twitter with @CrookedHaloBook - why not drop by and say hi?

Insert celebratory caption here...


Check out my certificate :)

I got my certificate for achieving my set goal of 25,000 words - and I awarded myself a bar of chocolate and a victory dance for achieving the extra 5,000 words that I challenged myself to having finished early. Despite an impromptu three day break, I squeezed out the last 2,500 words today and still managed to hit that end mark with time to spare!

I am very proud of myself, and have an almost complete first draft to show for it - now to get to work on editing it and seeing how many of those words actually make any sense!!

Don't forget to check out Camp NaNo and maybe get involved next time around :)

Who's a winner?!


I finished early!! I achieved my set goal of 25,000 words today :)

After celebrating and having my word count confirmed, I sorted out my certificate and then went back to writing. To push myself, I am going to see if I can squeeze in the other 5,000 words and round it up to 30k!!

Wish me luck.

Keep an eye out for updates as to when the next book will be out after all this hard work writing them...

Checking in - guess how I'm doing :D


So we have hit the half way mark and I am comfortably above my average word total, meaning that I am flying through the word count!! I completed the first draft of my short story in the first week with 8,552 words - Go me!! Then I had a slow few days where I spent some time re-reading my work in progress novel and making small editing changes, then by the end of last week I was back into the swing of things, getting new words down on a white page! With day 15, comes over 15,000 words, which is roughly 1,000 words a day! That was more than my recommended average to keep me on track, but it means that I have a safety net just in case I should fall short closer to the end of the month... So far there has only been one day where I haven't written anything at all, and it was a day spent out in the fresh air with my family! So no regrets, and no time wasted :)

I'll see you on the flip side!!

Just keep writing!!

This is definitely my mantra this month and it is not letting me down - never give up on dreams that seem too hard to reach, there is always time to fit in doing the things you love, no matter what else life throws your way.

April Camp Nano


It's that time of year again - Camp Nano is upon us! Who's with me??

I have set myself a goal of 25,000 words in 30 days... I have a first draft of a short story to complete and the remains of a first draft of a novel to finish off. It's totally doable, as long as I keep on top of it. The short piece should easily take are of around 8,000 words and there are missing chapters, plot holes and some serious beefing up to do on my novel. Loads to go at... I'll check in half way, and then look out for my celebratory post at the end of the month - there will be a certificate involved :)

Wish me luck!!

You guys have to know what NaNoWriMo is by now - but for any of you have only just joined us and maybe haven't heard about it - check out their website for more informatation.

World Book Day


Who got dressed up for World Book Day??

I did - and I'm not even sorry - and I did it twice. As a Bookseller, I got to see World Book Day through the bookshop this year, and loved every minute of it!!

Little Red Riding Hood and Alice in Wonderland

For more information about World Book Day check out their website

New Year!!


Another year - another chance to be the writer you want to be!

I have huge plans for this next couple of years, and I hope that both the readers that have supported me over these last few years, and any that join in the fun over the coming years, will be with me to celebrate these new ventures! I have bought myself a new calendar, laid out very reachable goals for over the next couple of month, and made an outline for my plan for the year. I have more time on my hands to devote to my writing than I did last year, and I want to use it wisely!

Who's with me?

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed malesuada faucibus ex nec ultricies. Donec mattis egestas nisi non pretium. Suspendisse nec eros ut erat facilisis maximus. In congue et leo in varius. Vestibulum sit amet felis ornare, commodo orci ut, feugiat lorem.

NaNoWriMo 2017


I did it!!

I managed my goal of 50,000 words in 30 days, and exceeded it by the magic number 30!

Nel's story is by no means finished yet, but I have a hefty proportion of the first draft down. I tend to take a break from writing during December, but will be back with it in January to fill in the missing gaps and finish off that pesky first draft.

You can keep an eye on what I'm up to over on my Social Media sites, and get updates on Nel's story and others in the series.

The Original Sin will be the next novel in the Hidden World Series and follows the story of Nel, a Vampire living in a small town where the knowledge of the hidden races is known!

NaNoWriMo 2017


I am taking on NaNoWriMo again this year - 50,000 words in 30 days!

I am writing the first draft of the next Hidden World Novel and hope to get most of Nel's story down over the course of the month.

Check out the NaNoWriMo tab at the top of the page to keep up to date with how I am doing, and I am sure I will be posting on Social Media plenty too, so keep your eyes on that too!

Wish me luck!!

The Original Sin will be the next novel in the Hidden World Series and follows the story of Nel, a Vampire living in a small town where the knowledge of the hidden races is known!



The first of September and I have shown up for myself!!

If you're following my Social Media accounts then you know that I am joining in with the hashtag #showup100 that is all about putting in some effort between now and the end of the year. Well, I started as I meant to go on and showed up today. I have started looking into adapting The Love That Binds Us into an audio book; this included recording the first chapter to see how it sounds aloud and asking some questions to you guys about how you'd like to hear it.

Watch this space for more information as I get round to it!!

Check out Kim's hashtag by following this link and see what she's up to over on her Instagram @journalofawriter

The Hidden World Official facebook Page


The Hidden World Novels now have their own Facebook Page...

For fans already on Facebook, you may have been following a page dedicated to just one of the the books, however, due to time and practicality, I have decided to house all of the Hidden World Stories in one place. So, now you can find all of the updates for new books, and posts for the current novels on the same page. The twins, Luna and Izzy all get one day of the month each where you will find quotes, images and fun facts to do with their stories, and as new stories are due to be released, updates and snippets will be released to the same page

Much easier :)

Find the page by searching @hiddenworldnovels on Facebook or hit the link below...

It's my birthday


Today is my birthday, and to celebrate I have decided to do a sneaky give away!

All you have to do to win is follow the link below the photo to either Facebook or Instagram, send me a private message telling me which of my books you would like, and why... Simple.

I will sort you out a copy of whichever book you're interested in, put a personalised message in the front and get it in the post to you... Just like that...

Winner will be drawn at random in a few days time - keep your eyes out for the announcement on all social media platforms...

Head on over to Facebook or Instagram to send me a private message!

Subscription launch!


My first newsletter has hit inboxes this morning!

Subscribing to my website includes a copy of my newsletter on the first of every month direct to your inbox, plus access to exclusive and unseen writing and first look at competitions and give aways!

You will also get an email when a new novel goes live so you can get your hands on a copy.

To sign up - all you have to do is click on the photo above and follow the instructions.

Clicking the link will take you to another site to join up!

A Part of the Pack official release


Today is the day!! A Part of the Pack is now available on Amazon as a Kindle copy, and will be available in paperback within the next few days!

I hope that you all enjoy Izzy's story, and I am sorry that there was such a delay in getting it to you - creativity is unpredictable at times. I can't wait to see the reviews on Amazon.

Head on over to Amazon to get your copy now!!

Cover Reveal


Today is the day - exciting times!!

A Part of the Pack now has a cover - and I have to say that I think that this is one of my favourites so far... It took me a while to make it right, but I am very proud of the end result.

I would like to say a huge thank you to my sister who came down to the woods with me and got her hands dirty for the photo shoot - she was brilliant.

So, what do you think??

I hope you're excited to read Izzy's story - not long now.

Check out the blurb and an extract from a Part of the Pack, and any other of the Hidden World Novels, over on the bookshelf!

Camp nano winner


I did it - thirty-thousand words in thirty days!

I even did it a day early and validated my word count on Saturday, taking Sunday as a well deserved day off! This was the first time I used NaNoWriMo as the starting point for one of my novels, and I found that the word count was easy,; the words have literally just flowed onto the pages. Eloise's story has several full chapters, a few started chapters, and a good proportion of the main story line written.

As is always a good idea after such an intense writing session, I am going to leave this story alone for a few days to give myself some breathing room, before going back and seeing just how bad the first draft is and then I will create a plan to move forward with both Eloise's story; as well as the editing of A Part of the Pack!

You guys have to know what NaNoWriMo is by now - but for any of you have only just joined us and maybe haven't heard about it - check out their website for more informatation.

Camp NaNoWriMo


It's that time of year again folks;

Camp NaNoWriMo is upon us, and I am all in again this time!

Last year I managed to write and edit two novels across the two Camps and November, and this year will be no different. A Part of the Pack is in the late stages of editing and marketing has started (you can find a blurb for Izzy's story over on the bookshelf, and a cover reveal is coming later this month) which for me, can only mean that it is time to start writing again!! I can't wait. There has been some scribbling and a lot of note making so far, but it's time to go all in.

My Goal - 30,000 words in 30 days!

That's not that hard! A thousand words a day for thirty straight days - and this time I plan to write the amount each day rather than end up with a shed load left to do in the last few days like I did in November... That was a stressful couple of days because I was determined to hit my goal. Learn from the mistake and keep on top of the word count this time around. And how am I going to do that I hear you cry?! With your help of course! I have created a tracking page which you can access from the menu bar across the top of the page... there you will find my goal, and there is access to my Campers Profile which has both a 'Working blurb' and a rough draft exert from the newest Work In Progress - yes readers, this time around you will get all the info along the way, rather than the way I have been drip feeding you the information for A Part of the Pack. Do you like the sound of that?? Well, check out the link and go grab the gossip - then head over to your Social Media Platform of choice where you can tell me what you think... Posts will be going up throughout the month to keep you in the loop as well as the daily word count update and a photo of my hectic writing habits on the NaNo Page here on the website!!

Wish me Luck - Angel x

You guys have to know what NaNoWriMo is by now - but for any of you have only just joined us and maybe haven't heard about it - check out their website for more informatation.

London Book Fair


Well, talk about a learning curve. I have been in London over the last few days attending the London Book Fair at Olympia, Kensington. First and foremost, I must say that it has been a blast, and I have enjoyed every minute of it. I have also learned so much from being there it has been a little overwhelming.

Olympia is huge!! That was mind-blowing enough. We looked like typical tourists; map in front of our noses for the first few hours! But once we had found our bearings and managed to get ourselves in the right place, the information started rolling in. I have attended many of the seminars at Author HQ, where I have been able to listen to authors (both traditionally and self-published), literary agents, editors, publishers and many other professions within the writing community and learn from their experiences. I have met several authors, including L J Ross, the self-published author whose first novel, Holy Island, knocked best-seller Girl on a Train off the top spot on the best sellers list! I've also met Darren Hardy, the UK Manager for Kindle Direct Publishing and got to speak to him about my experiences and some of the ways forward for me and my writing.

The main thing that I have learned over the last few days is that there are a lot of things that I haven't been doing, or could have done very differently over the last year or so since publishing The Love That Binds Us, which would have increased my readership and gotten my book out there to more people. So, I now have a list as long as my arm of things that I want to do in order to try and boost my readers and expand the number of people who are following and interacting with me on Social Media.

So, keep your eyes peeled for some exciting changes -

there have already been some to the website!!

For those of you unfamiliar with The London Book Fair, it is a massive gathering of many of the companies involved in the publishing industry. The Book Fair provides the perfect situation to meet new people and make contacts in the writing world that helps one another to learn new ways of furthering their own writing journeys.

For more information visit their website

A Part of the pack


Tonight is this month's New Moon, and as Luna and the mermaids have already claimed the Full Moon, I decided that I'd use the New Moon to celebrate Izzy and the Pack. So, here it is, the title of the new book!

A Part of the Pack

Izzy's story of her transformation into a Werewolf and her journey to becoming a part of the pack is now in it's editing stages. I handed it over to my editor-in-chief a few days ago, and has several editing stages to move through to ensure that it is ready for you to read.

Keep your eyes open for both a cover reveal and a synopsis coming soon!

We are now live on Instagram!!


I now have an account on Instagram which you can follow for picture updates of my Work in Progress, writing and book related posts, competitions and give-away's and much more. The account went live on the 21st January and had received many likes on the posts so far and is steadily gaining followers. Your support would be much appreciated, so head on over using the link below and check it out.

Also, I have had business cards made up with my Social Media accounts and the website link on so that I can begin growing my readership and work on getting my name known beyond friends and family. Every writer starts somewhere, and now is my time! I am attending the London Book Fair this year, more details to come soon, where I hope to meet some new contacts that will help me on my journey to being a full-time writer, and to find some more information and top-tips on ways of moving forward with my dream!

Until then, Thank you for your continued support, it means a lot, and I shall get back to writing the next book for you!!

Official facebook pages


The Love That Binds Us and A Handful Of Secrets now have their own official Facebook Pages where you can like them as a book that you have read/ are interested in. The pages have their own photos and information about the stories and where to purchase copies from. Please follow the links below and hit like on each of them, and if you're feeling generous, share them to your walls and let's spread the word!

Check out the photo below - my sister totally bought me a mermaid tail for Christmas, and it fits perfectly with the description of Luna so therefore is perfect for photos of the book; don't ya think?!

Nanowrimo winner's shirt!!


My Nanowrimo Winner's shirt turned up in time for a fresh start for the New Year.

I have great plans for 2017, including getting at least two new books out to you, participting in Camp Nano and Nanowrimo again and looking into some new ways of advertising and selling my books - exciting times lie ahead - watch this space!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with NaNoWriMo, it stands for National Novel Writing Month and takes
place in November, where writers around the world, both well known authors and those of us just starting
out, put their heads down and get on with writing their next project.
Check out their website for more information.

Nanowrimo success!!


Well, it may have been a been a very slow and somewhat painful trek, but I made it to the end of November with my fifty thousand words intact. It took a lot of effort throughout the month, and I fell incredibly behind, leaving me with seven and a half thousand words left to write on the last day, but I did it; finishing NaNoWriMo off with a grand total of fifty thousand and fifty seven words.

Izzy's werewolf story (which is still untitled as of yet) is coming along well and has a good body of a story. I plan to leave it well alone during December after the hard graft I have dedicated to it during November, and then come back to it in January with a fresh mind. Obviously I will keep you all updated on Facebook, but I have every intention of having the story with you by Easter time.

Thank you for all of your continued support!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with NaNoWriMo, it stands for National Novel Writing Month and takes
place in November, where writers around the world, both well known authors and those of us just starting
out, put their heads down and get on with writing their next project.
Check out their website for more information.

A Handful of Secrets official release


Tonight is the full moon, meaning only one thing; A Handful of Secrets is now available on Amazon as a Kindle copy, and will be available in paperback within the next few days!

I hope that you all enjoy Luna's story as much as I have enjoyed writing it, and I can't wait to see the reviews on Amazon.

A Handful of secrets official book cover release


The cover for Handful of Secrets is now on the Bookshelf

above The Love That Binds Us.

Once again, the photo is my own, and true to my word, holds a little piece of me in the picture... This photo was taken whilst I was on holiday this summer with my sister. I love the way the sand sits and had the perfect opportunity to use it for this book. The meaning behind the photo will become clear when you read the book after its release on the full moon later this month.

I hope that you are looking forward to reading Luna's story,

as much as I have enjoyed writing it.

A Handful of Secrets will be available to purchase in both Kindle format and paperback on the 16th October 2016 - The full moon is important to Luna, now it is for you too!!

camp nanowrimo july


Nanowrimo is running Camp again in July, and after my success in April, I figured that I had to give it a go again this time around. This time I am using it to get some major editing and plot gap filling done, so my word count goal is a lot less that it was in April, but I will still have to work hard. If for any reason I find that I am writing more than I thought and I near the goal early, I plan to up it so that I still have to work hard for it.

As I am on holiday at the start of July, I will be starting a few days late, so I will have to work extra hard those few days when I get home so that I can catch up with my cabin mates from over at Writer's Retreat and keep to my word count.

Wish me luck, and keep a check on my progress over on the Facebook :)

For those of you who are unfamiliar with NaNoWriMo, it stands for National Novel Writing Month and takes place in November, where writers around the world, both well known authors and those of us just starting out, put their heads down and get on with writing their next project.

Check out their website for more information.

Camp NaNoWriMo News!!


After joining camp at the start of April this year, I started out on the journey of writing every day for the month. I set myself a very high goal of 50,000 words to write over the course of April, which averaged out at 1,667 words a day. I succeeded in my task and achieved my goal. I am extremely proud of myself and have proven that it is not hard to do a little bit of writing every day, even on the days when you think that there isn't the time to sit down and write. Now I am going to take that attitude and move forward. I need to get editing what I have written so that I can take another step closer to publishing the next book!

For those of you who are unfamiliar with NaNoWriMo, it stands for National Novel Writing Month and takes place in November, where writers around the world, both well known authors and those of us just starting out, put their heads down and get on with writing their next project.

Check out their website for more information.

The Love that binds us


The Love That Binds Us is now available in paperback!!

Yes, you heard correct, the story is now available for purchase on Amazon as a full copy in paperback form as well as still being available in Kindle format.

Have you got yours?!

Check it out!